About the author

Personal Info

I am a husband and a father. I am a somewhat conservative independent. I am a Christian. I am an American. I work a normal job and like to coach my sons’ t-ball, baseball, and soccer teams. I grew up in San Antonio, Texas, and graduated from high school in 1987. I have lived in Germany and Russia. I met my wife in Washington, D.C., and we now live in Huntsville, Ala. I have degrees from Baylor University and The George Washington University.

My Motivation

I am concerned about the lack of civil dialogue occurring between Republicans and Democrats in this country. Too often, politicians attack people instead of policies. Too often, politicians do not consider dissenting opinions. Too often, politicians pander to those who already agree with them in order to get re-elected. Being a politician should be about serving and improving American, not about keeping your job.

But politicians are trapped in a system that rewards this type of behavior. As Americans, we vote for politicians based on our opinions. We need to be informed about policies and educated about dissenting opinions. As Americans, we need to be  more open-minded participants in our political system, because sometimes people who disagree with us just might have a good idea.

I want this blog to be a safe place for people of all political and ideological leanings to rationally discuss the issues of the day and consider all opinions. I want to promote understanding and cooperation.

And I want to hear what you think.

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